• Lifestyle,  Recipes

    The BEST Virgin Margarita Recipe | Syn Free & Low Calorie

    A Virgin margarita sounds like it’d be a poor substitute for the cocktail of dreams right? Wrong! This one is gives you all the feels of the original with no booze and even better, barely any calories. If you’re following Slimming World, it’s a completely syn free cocktail so you can have as many as you want! What is a Virgin Margarita? Now stay with me, ‘virgin’ cocktails are alcohol free. Since being in lockdown I’ve had way more alcohol than is good for me and it had to stop. I’ve not gone light on the food either hence the search for a low calorie cocktail option. If you’re thinking…

  • Baking,  Parenting/Baby Related,  Recipes

    Baby Led Weaning: Dairy Free Raspberry Porridge Fingers Recipe

    Weaning is going well but I’m finding it really tricky finding enough variety for Theo because of his food allergies and intolerances. I’m doing a combined approach to weaning with a mix of traditional purees and baby led weaning finger foods. Most finger food recipes include milk, egg or wheat though so are off the menu in our house. I decided to adapt the traditional porridge fingers recipe to be dairy free and it worked, they’ve been a big hit with Theo! They’re really easy to make and can be kept in the fridge for a few days after you’ve made them. He has such fun with them and is…

  • Wholemeal Breadmaker Recipe
    Baking,  Recipes,  Tutorials

    Honey Wholemeal Bread Recipe (For the Breadmaker)

    I’m a typical British girl, I love nothing more than some sarcasm, a brew and a slice of toast. I’ve got IBS so brown bread is much better for my tummy than white bread (even though I do love it) and I’m here to tell you that this wholemeal bread recipe even gives good old white toast a run for its money in deliciousness! If that wasn’t enough, because you can make it in the breadmaker, it’s barely any effort either! What you need: 545g wholemeal flour 10g instant yeast 2 tbsp olive oil 100g honey (I always find it easier to weigh it in a glass but it’s about…

  • Chorizo-Jam-Recipe-FI

    Chorizo Jam Recipe Review

    Firstly, an apology and an explanation. I’m sorry for having dropped off the face of the earth the last few months, 2015 has, without exaggeration, been the worst year of my life – peppered with family deaths, arguments, illnesses and the breakdown of my relationship. It’s been a tough old time and, unfortunately, the one thing that really slipped was my blogging. With so much going on, inspiration and motivation has been hard to come by BUT it’s June and I need to move on with my life and the things that I love doing so I’m back and ready to blog! My comeback post is fittingly dedicated to my…

  • Scotch Egg Recipe

    Chorizo & Black Pudding Scotch Egg Recipe

    Head chef Simon Taylor from the Copthorne Hotel came up with this mouth watering recipe that’s a cheeky twist on the traditional scotch egg recipe. I have a special place in my heart for the Copthorne because it’s where I did my work experience when I was 15, so when I was asked to get involved in the A Taste of Manchester campaign and give Simon’s recipe a try, I was on board even before I found out that the recipe had chorizo in it (my favourite ingredient!). I’m also pretty fond of scotch eggs too, and meat in general, eggs and bread… in fact, the only thing I’m not…

  • Plant-Pot-Cake
    Baking,  Cake Decorating,  Recipes

    DIY Plant Pot Cake and Giant Chocolate Cupcake Recipe

    Recently the lovely people at BakingMad.com sent me a package full of baking ingredients to whip up something special with! In the box was an apron to keep me tidy whilst baking, some Billington’s sugar, Allinson flour and a precious bottle of vanilla Nielsen Massey extract. With such quality ingredients I wanted to make a showstopper and decided it was time to dust off my giant cupcake pan! I’ve experimented with a couple of giant cupcake recipes for the pan but this is a trusty one that always turns out good results: 350g golden caster sugar 350g plain flour 350g unsalted butter 6 eggs (beaten) 90g cocoa powder 85g plain…

  • Sweet Potato Bread Recipe for Breadmaker
    Baking,  Recipes

    Sweet Potato Bread Recipe

    It’s a sad truth but a lot of kitchen gadgets get used a lot at first and then start to gather dust in a corner of the worktop (a bit like a grown up version of Toy Story, if they came alive when you weren’t looking). I want to try and make the most out of my breadmaker this year and this is my first step. This sweet potato bread recipe creates a nice tear and share loaf that goes well with soup, with cheese or is just as lovely toasted. It’s a bit more effort than the tradition breadmaker recipe as you’re only using the dough cycle but it does…

  • DIY Christmas Tree Decorations
    Interior Design,  Recipes,  Tutorials

    DIY Christmas Tree Decorations from Salt Dough

    I had a very fun Sunday making some DIY decorations for my Christmas Tree. We’ve decorated the lounge since last year so our old decorations no longer match the room, I bought some silver baubles and snowflakes from Ikea but wanted to add a homemade touch to the tree with some white ornaments. To do this I whipped up some salt dough and spent a fun afternoon cutting out shapes and painting them! You need: One cup of plain flour Half a cup of salt Half a cup of water Half a teaspoon of cinnamon and nutmeg (optional) Acrylic Paint 1.Preheat the oven to 100 degrees centigrade. 2. Mix the…

  • Topps Tiles Yuletile Challenge
    Recipes,  Tutorials

    Topps Tiles Yuletile Challenge

      This is my first Christmas post of the year! I love Christmas so hard, not just because of the family times, the gifts, the copious amounts of food or even the films (Muppet Christmas Carol and Santa Claus: The Movie are my faves) but also because of the endless opportunities for DIY! The lovely people at Topps Tiles invited me to take part in their Yultile Challenge competition and sent me two blank tiles and some crafty supplies and to help me create my own Christmas designs. Tile 1: For my first tile I decided to use contemporary colours to create a Christmas recipe board for mince pies, leant…