
Chorizo Jam Recipe Review

Firstly, an apology and an explanation. I’m sorry for having dropped off the face of the earth the last few months, 2015 has, without exaggeration, been the worst year of my life – peppered with family deaths, arguments, illnesses and the breakdown of my relationship. It’s been a tough old time and, unfortunately, the one thing that really slipped was my blogging. With so much going on, inspiration and motivation has been hard to come by BUT it’s June and I need to move on with my life and the things that I love doing so I’m back and ready to blog!

My comeback post is fittingly dedicated to my favourite foodstuff: Chorizo – an easy one to get me started! Any kind of chorizo recipe makes my eyes light up and when I got an email through from BBC Good Food about chorizo jam I knew that I just had to try it – even more so when I saw that the recipe also incorporated maple syrup (drools)!

Chorizo-Jam-RecipeThe most important thing to note about the chorizo jam recipe, before we go any further, is that it isn’t a jam in the truest sense. It has a quite a gritty texture and isn’t jelly like at all. It is, however, absolutely delicious and awesome to layer onto cheese on crackers. I polished off nearly half of the jar before I had to have it wrestled away from me. It also works well on burgers or pretty much anything else.

Here are some pictures of how I made the jam.

Dice the chorizo:

Chorizo-Jam---Diced-ChorizoFry the chorizo in a pan:


Cook the onions in the chorizo oil:


Combine all the ingredients:


The recipe is super simple to follow and produces two jars of delicious jam – so two for you or one for a friend! It makes a great present (except to vegetarians!) You can find the full Chorizo Jam recipe on BBC Good Food here. 

Let me know if you’ve tried the recipe and how you found it!

Bye for now, Cat x
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